Live Long and Master Aging podcast

Exploring the science and stories behind human longevity

with Peter Bowes

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Maddy Dychtwald has been unraveling the mysteries of aging for decades. Before biohacking was a thing and the recent surge in interest in age-reversal science, she and her husband launched a mission to address longevity as a new frontier. Through her work with Age Wave, the company they founded, the writer and renowned thought-leader has curated the best advice from the some of the world’s leading experts. Now, she is sharing her wisdom with a science-based guide to growing old with good health, vitality and optimism. In Ageless Aging: A Woman’s Guide to Increasing Healthspan, Brainspan, and Lifespan, Maddy presents a critical assessment of how the medical and wellness industries have historically overlooked women in research and product development. She explores the democratization of longevity hacks which, contrary to popular belief, do not necessitate considerable financial investment but are accessible through simple, everyday choices like diet, physical movement, and social engagement.

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About the podcast

Live Long and Master Aging podcast

In a series of one-to-one interviews, the Live Long and Master Aging podcast hacks the aging process. Our guests include world-renowned scientists, future thinkers and biohackers, all of whom have a common goal of figuring out how we can live longer and healthier. We also talk to inspiring individuals who have already mastered the aging process. We talk a lot about food, fasting, fitness, the brain and good fortune.

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Your host

Peter Bowes

A British-born, naturalised American, Peter Bowes is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. He is trained as a biologist and has spent much of his career working in news, current affairs and documentary-making for the BBC. A self-experimenter, when it comes to his own diet and exercise, Peter is fascinated by lifestyles and science-based regimes that promote healthy aging.

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